My Eyes

Under my gaze

I see more and more

With each day coming

I see a galore

Of diversity rich

And variety ridden

Landscapes, seas

And places that are hidden

My sightings are transfixed

On this planet of green and blue

I see wonders unique to my curious eyes

Can you see them too?

By Holly H

Photo Credit: Helga Birna Jónasdóttir via Compfight

Read 1 comment

  1. Wow Holly, you are an amazing poet! You use such grown up words that make it more interesting to read. Words like “transfixed” can be used instead of boring every-day words. The nding makes you feel welcome or part of the story and that makes you want to keep reading and/or find another one of your poems. I hope you put up more poems in the future!
    From Emily

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