100 WC #31

I watched in awe as the enormous fly-swatter hit the poor bee, sending it plummeting onto the oak table. We are supposed to report these incidents, but I had to get out of here. So, after the huge person left, I climbed up the table.  

The dead bug lay there, lifeless. It was about as big as me. I saw the bee’s hive out the window, on the faraway oak tree. If I brought their friend back to RIP, they might let me live with them. I wrapped the bee in cloth so I could pull him along, and began my long journey to a better life.

100 Word Challenge Week 6

Would this climb ever end? We were clambering up the side of a mountain, and a tall one at that. Finally, I felt the ground flatten under my feet. We were at the top! I smiled and laughed with my friends, before peering over the steep edge. Looking down, I was surprised to see a mob of kangaroos hopping across the sunbathed desert. Then, of course, we were in the outback. I heard my friends call my name, so I backed away from the edge and strolled over to our campsite. I loved being here, it was amazing.