The miracle drug

I twiddle my thumbs and watch the clock hand slowly turn. Minute after minute. Hour after hour. Soon I realise I’ve been here most of the afternoon. Waiting for my sister, Michelle, to come out of the door down the hall. My almost dead, requiring a wheelchair, silent, stroke victim sister. She couldn’t talk or walk, but there was nothing wrong with mind. She was intelligent, pretty and athletic. But the car crash changed all that.

I was determined to change it back.

An entire year was spent fundrasing for her; for the new drug that made the lost connections in your head reconnect after an accident, which meant Michelle could walk and talk again. It was a simple injection, but somehow it had taken 3 hours. Probably a survey or something about “How do you feel?”.

A tall figure strides out in front of my tired face. I expected it to be a nurse, but I look up and see Michelle, on 2 legs. I almost collapse.

“Hi Emma” she says with confidence. She can talk properly. She can walk perfectly. I had my sister back.

We embrace in a tight hug made wet with tears of joys. I scream “Thankyou!” at the top of my lungs. The miracle drug worked.

Welcome back!

It’s week 2 Term 4, and everyone is preparing for the Year 6 Fair, musical and high school. I’m enjoying getting to see my friends again and being with my classmates. Why are you excited to be back? And what are you doing in Term 4 ?

Heres a fun trivia fact to begin another term of stories and blogging: Every year about 98% of atoms in your body are replaced

Trash Talk

Think about this. You’re sitting on the sand at the beach, or listening to the birds at a park. Suddenly, you see some rubbish floating in the water, some litter in the grass. You think of how it could strangle an animal, kill an ecosystem, ruin our planet.

I have a challenge for you. In your comments, think of a solution or invention to prevent littering. Be as creative as you want, and give reasons why it would work and help stop littering. Good luck!

Five Fun Facts

Every time you lick a stamp, you’re consuming 1/10 of a calorie

The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is

Polar bears are left handed

Armadillos are the only animal besides humans that can get leprosy

The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per side in a game
of chess is 318,979,564,000

Simply Snow

Edublogs has many cool widgets and plugins for their users to try out. If you’re reading this post, you should see little white dots floating across the screen. Don’t worry, nothing is wrong with your computer, it’s a new plugin I added called Simply Snow. I enjoy trying all these widgets and plugins, as it makes my blog more interesting. Do you have any widgets/plugins that you think are really cool?

Quiz Time!

In a brainy mood? Then get your thinking caps on, because I have a fun quiz! (please do not google any answers)

What is the only colour tulips don’t come in? Green, white or blue?

What colour is a giraffes tongue? Black, blue or red?

Which planet is made entirely of gas? Mercury, Jupiter or Venus?

Good Luck!


If you’ve been reading Ana-Maria’s and Emily’s blogs, then you’ll know about how every Wednesday they go to Freshwater. I was lucky enough to be invited as well, and I’d like to tell you about some of the things we’ve done so far…

One week, we went in to the high school’s labratory, where on each bench there was a pair of scissors, tweezers and some gloves. Can you guess what those tools were for? Well, after a demonstration and some safety tips, we all found ourselves standing at a bench with a pink, blood-coated sheep’s brain that we were allowed to disect at will. I picked it up (with gloves on) and it had a wet, squishy texture and to be frank was quite gross. Ewww!

And yesterday, we did trial of the bloodsuckers, where two sides (the defence and prosecution) fought to either destroy all mosquitoes, or save them. I was a witness for the defence, and our side won. The room was set up like a real courthouse, and there was a judge, jury, barristers etc.

Freshwater is an incredible opportunity and every Wednesday seems to come much too slow.